Monday, February 16, 2015

Polar Vortex

                      The winter still has some punches left to give the northern hemisphere.  I can imagine that many people have had enough.  Perhaps they are even saying is this the "climate change everyone is talking about.  It certainly doesn't feel like global warming to me."  Bostonians are probably thinking this more than the rest of us as they continue to shovel themselves out of snowstorm after snowstorm.
                       Let's peek at some cause and effect towards this cold scenario happening before us.  Actually, it most likely will be a cause and affect.  We might have to get use to this as "northerners."  As we watch our morning weather people give us the bad news, how many of us have noticed how the northern jet stream has taken a horrific dip deep down into the United States and Europe?  As I am in my fifties I recall a much more stable jet stream which kept the cold up north and in check from creeping down to slam us with our snow and ice storms.  The cyclone at the North Pole was held in check to a more or less circular pattern.
                        Here's what happened, the waters in the northern part of the Pacific and Atlantic have heated up.  When the waters warm up the surface air above the waters begins to warm.  We all know that warm air rises.  The warm air continues to rise from the troposphere to the stratosphere,  As this happens the cold air that use to be trapped up north begins to drop into the lower troposphere. As the cold air is forced into dropping by the warm air it has only one place to go and that is south.  In the United States it is forced to the west side of the Rockies and then it is able to move east again.  The Midwest and the northeast get slammed by cold air.  As moisture creeps up from equatorial waters in the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico it meets up with the cold and you can have blizzard after blizzard.  This may become the new normal for us all.
                    I'd like everybody to understand that due to the Earths axis at 23.5 degrees and Earth's rotation around the sun the North Pole does not get any sun several months a year.  When there is no solar radiation to warm the North Pole just like at night time it gets cooler. Sometimes it gets down right cold and frigid.  The warmer waters in the Alaskan Bay will continue to force cold air to visit us in the winter time. Let's get use to it folks this is "CLIMATE CHANGE!"
                    I do not believe that we as a society, culture or civilization will change voluntarily.  It would we nice if we would, but we have become conditioned to our creature comforts that our addiction to oil, gas and coal have given us.  We are constantly being bombarded with commercials and denialists saying that it's OK the way it is.  The corporate giants are doing the thinking for us and we have been letting them.  We are the cause behind warming the waters.  The constant burning of fossil fuels day in and day out, decade after decade is the root cause for the changes you will be witnessing.  Unless we put a pair of sunglasses big enough to cover our planets poles we must change or get use to what will become the status quo.
                    Mahatma Ghandi was once asked by a western reporter, "Mr. Ghandi, what do you think of western civilization?"  Mr. Ghandi smiled at first and looked at the reporter and said, "I think it is a good idea."  If we are so civilized let's start our changing together, voluntarily or mandated by law.  Corporations buy lobbyists who buy congressman and senators on all party lines.  Place your bets folks and lets get rid of these individuals, for the time is at hand.

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