Saturday, May 30, 2015

Our Changing World

          The oceans of the world have risen and fallen in the past.  Droughts have existed over areas that have devastated habitats and destroyed civilizations.  As we look at the history of our planet we see that planet Earth has changed and now we can see that she currently is changing yet again.
                The causes of Earth's changes have been many over the millions and billions of years that she has been around.  Our current concern is over the existing changes that many believe are happening now and to those changes that will occur in the next several hundred years.  History most likely will call this the anthropogenic era.  A dominant species which has terra formed a place called home into a different world.  An era that will also be known for an extinction level event.  The shape of things to come ?  We can only hope for the best, but we should expect the worst.  We all have an opportunity to change our ways now.  We have an opportunity to use our existing technologies to change things today and we must use future technologies to continue positive changes for a better world.
                 The existing oligarchies and plutocracies of our world governments reign of control must end.  Their decision making only holds profit and power for themselves.  They have little care for the poor and helpless of the world no matter what their species.  Selfishness and greed were all dealt with well within small tribal communities.  Let us look back to those days of our forefathers wisdom.  We all can make changes in appositive way for the planet.
                 1. Divest of any holdings in those companies that continue to pollute the planet. 2. Stop using plastics that pollute the oceans with a toxic soup killing all creatures in its path. 3. Energize your home with solar and wind turbines.  4.  Grow your own garden and can your own food.  5.  Walk and use bike when you can.  I'll continue the list soon,  you know ways tou and we can all change.  Please add them with comments.  Time will soon be against us and we must show and lead by example.

                                                                                                      Thank You


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